

(English follows Japanese)











  • 日にち:2017年7月2日(日)
  • 時間: 10:30-11:30 多文化子育てひろば
        11:30-12:30 おべんとう&おしゃべりタイム(参加したい人は自分のおべんとう・飲み物をもってきてください。)
  • 場所:精華町図書館1F集会室 (map) *今回は場所がいつもと異なります。
    祝園駅・新祝園駅から徒歩5分。) 精華町役場の玄関があるフロアは2階です。1階におりて、外に出てください。
  • 費用:大人1人100円(せいかグローバルネット会員の方は無料)(子どもは無料)
  • 定員:先着50人
  • 申しこみ: 「いちご一会」申込み用オンラインフォーム(リンクはこちら)からお申しこみください。
  • プログラム:
    10:30-10:45 アイスブレイク・ゲーム
    10:45-11:20 「よさこい鳴子踊り」をおどろう!
    11:20-11:30 あいさつ&えほんのじかん

The 12th Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup "Ichigo Ichie" will be held on Sunday, July 2nd, 2017.

"Ichigo Ichie" is for foreign and Japanese parents to make new friends and exchange information.

The theme of upcoming play group is "Summer Festivals in Japan - Let's dance Yosakoi Naruko Odori."

Summer is close! Let's talk about summer festivals which we can join this summer in our neighborhood, and in the nationwide.

Then, we will learn the dance from one of famous summer festivals in Japan; "Yosakoi Naruko Odori"!

Our instructor is Ms. Mino, who used to dance the Yosakoi Naruko Odori when she lived in Kochi prefecture where the festival is held.
Rattles for Yosakoi Naruko Odori
*Please note that we will have this upcoming play group at the Seika Town Library Meeting Room (Seika-cho Toshokan Shuukai-shitu) on the first floor.

We are looking forward to seeing you!
Photo from the June playgroup

The 12th Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup "Ichigo Ichie"

  • Date: Sunday, July 2nd, 2017
  • Time: 10:30-11:30 Playgroup Meeting
    11:30-12:30 Lunch & Chatting Time
    (Please bring your own lunch and drinks if you want to join our lunch.)
  • Place: Seika Town Library Meeting Room (Seika-cho Toshokan Shuukai-shitu) (map). (5-minute walk from Hosono/Shin-Hosono St in Seika-cho, Kyoto Prefecture.) The meeting room is located on the first floor of the library. You can find the entrance to the meeting room on the northeast of the library. (The main reading area of the library and the town hall entrance are on the second floor.)
    Please use West Parking lot of Seika Town Hall.
  • Fee: 100 yen per adult (Free for the members of Seika Global Net) (Free for children)
  • Capacity: The first 50 people
  • Application: People who would like to participate should fill out the "Ichigo Ichie" online application form (Here is the link).
  • Program:
    10:30-10:45 Ice-break game
    10:45-11:20 "Let's dance Yosakoi Naruko Odori."
    11:20-11:30 Greeting and Storytime