(English follows Japanese)
時間: 10:30-12:00 多文化子育てひろば
12:00-12:15 おしゃべりタイム
場所:精華町図書館1F集会室 (map)
費用:大人1人 100円
★無料 お子様、せいかグローバルネット会員の方
10:30-10:50 ごみ問題のお話し
10:50-11:10 ディスカッション「ごみを減らすには?」
11:10-11:50 牛乳パック工作
11:50-12:00 節分豆まき
The 27th Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup "Ichigo Ichie" will be held on Sunday, February 2nd, 2020.
Ichigo Ichie" is for foreign and Japanese parents to make new friends and exchange information."
Ichigo Ichie" is for foreign and Japanese parents to make new friends and exchange information."
This theme is "Let's think about the garbage problem and make toys with milk carton!”
Japanese garbage disposal is very complicated and different depending on the town. We guess many foreigners are in trouble.
Why don't you discuss the garbage problem with the guest speakers; the staffs of Seika Town Office, Environment Promotion Division?
Then, for children, Naomi san, a staff member, will teach us a fun recycling toy-making with milk cartons.
In addition, “Setsubun”, the traditional end of winter, and the day to throw beans is coming soon! Let's pray for the health of the year and let's throwing beans.
We look forward to your participation.
★The place is different from usual, it is Seika Town Library Gathering Room (within Seika Town Hall premises).
★ The playgroup is planned to be one and a half hours for the making toys.
★Please come in clothes that can be dirty, because we will use permanent markers.
<Time and Date>
Sunday, February 2nd, 2020
10:30-12:00 Playgroup Meeting
12:00-12:15 Chatting Time
(Seika-cho Toshokan Shuukai-shitsu)
Located on the premises of Seika Town Hall which it 5minutes' walk from Hosono/Shin-Hosono St in Seika-cho, Kyoto.
The Library and the Town Hall are in the same building, which main entrance is on the 2nd floor.
But the entrance of the gathering room itself is located outside of the building and is on the 1st floor.
You can find the room on the right side from the 1st floor entrance of the main building.
But the entrance of the gathering room itself is located outside of the building and is on the 1st floor.
You can find the room on the right side from the 1st floor entrance of the main building.
We recommend the use of the Seika Town Hall west parking lot.
100 yen per adult
Free for children and the members of Seika Global Net
First 50 people (in order of registration)
10:00-10:50 Talking about the garbage problem
10:50-11:10 Discussion time; How do you reduce garbage?
11:10-11:50 Making toys with milk carton
11:50-12:00 Bean-throwing Ceremony