費用(ひよう): 大人(おとな)1人(ひとり) 100円
定員(ていいん):各回先着(せんちゃく) 12家族(かぞく)
場所(ばしょ): 精華町役場(せいかちょうやくば) 交流(こうりゅう)ホール(2F) (map)
※交流(こうりゅう)ホールは役場(やくば)の正面玄関(しょうめんげんかん)がある階(かい) です。
※駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)は精華町役場(せいかちょうやくば)駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)を 使(つか)ってください。 無料(むりょう)
②グループでおしゃべり「冬(ふゆ)の遊(あそ)び」 15分(ふん)程度(ていど)
③あみもの 45分(ふん)程度(ていど)
申(もう)しこみ: 2/1(火かようび)までに、オンラインフォーム(リンクはこちら)からおねがいします。
Google Play
App Store
The Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup “Ichigo Ichie” will be held on Sunday February 6th, 2022.
We will be very careful about the preventing the spread of coronavirus. The theme is “Let’s enjoy knitting!”
A new year has started and it has been cold for weeks. Are you all right on such cold days? Now have you ever done knitting? In our next Ichigo Ichie, we’ll enjoy knitting and will make some mascots and play with Ayatori (String figures/Cat’s cradle) together! Ms. Matsuda, who teaches Home economics and English at the elementary school, will show us how to knit. Don’t worry about knitting if you are a beginner! You can make some cute mascots with us! And let’s play with Ayatori together! Please come and join us!
The 37th Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup “Ichigo Ichie”
Time, Date and Place
Sunday, February 6th, 2022 ①10:00-11:00 AM ②11:15-12:15 AM
We plan to have this event twice because we should avoid having many people at one place.
You can choose the first session or the second session.
We may have only one session depending on the number of people.
100 yen per person (adults)
Free for children and the members of Seika Global Network.
The maximum number of people
The first 12 families to apply can join us for each session.
Seika Town Office, Kouryu-Hall, which is on the 2nd floor. The main entrance of the town office is on the 2nd floor. You can walk to the Town Office from Hosono-Station or Shin-Hosono Station, it’s only 5 minutes. You can park your car in the parking lot of Town Office for free. (map)
① Introduce yourself.
② Chatting in your group for about 15 minutes.
“How do you play in winter?”
③ Knitting for about 45 minutes.
For registration
Please fill out the online application form by February 1st. (Here is the link)
For preventing the spread of infection
① We will limit the number of people who will attend the meeting, so make sure to apply beforehand.
② You have to take your temperature before you come. If your temperature is over 37.5℃ or you feel sick, you can’t attend the meeting.
③ 3 years old or over have to wear mask.
④ We’d like you to download the application called “COCOA”, a COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application, beforehand.
Google Play
App Store
⑤ We might change or cancel this event depending on the situation of coronavirus.