9/24 いちご一会(いちえ)のテーマは「絵本(えほん) と外国文字(がいこくもじ)」。絵本(えほん)の読(よ)み聞(き)かせを聞(き)いたり、自分(じぶん)の名前(なまえ)をいろいろな国(くに)の文字(もじ)で書(か)いてみましょう!
(English follows Japanese)
費用(ひよう):大人(おとな)1人(ひとり) 100円
場所(ばしょ):かしのき苑(かしのきえん) ふれあい大(だい)ホール (map)
※祝園駅(ほうそのえき)・新祝園駅(しんほうそのえき)から精華(せいか)くるりんバス「かしのき苑(えん)」下車(げしゃ) 徒歩(とほ)0分(ふん)
※祝園駅(ほうそのえき)から奈良交通(ならこうつう)バス59番(ばん)「精華台(せいかだい)三丁目(さんちょうめ)」下車(げしゃ) 徒歩(とほ)11分(ふん)
※駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)はかしのき苑(かしのきえん)駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)を使(つか)ってください。 無料(むりょう)
① わたしのおすすめの一冊(いっさつ)(グループトーク)
② 図書館員(としょかんいん)による絵本(えほん)の読(よ)み聞(き)かせ
③ 英語(えいご)・中国語(ちゅうごくご)による絵本(えほん)の読(よ)み聞(き)かせ
④ 外国文字(がいこくもじ)で名前(なまえ)を書(か)いてみよう!
申(もう)しこみ: 9/15(金きんようび)までに、オンラインフォーム(リンクはこちら)から おねがいします。
Let’s Enjoy Picture Books and Try to Write Foreign Letters!
The theme of next Ichigo Ichie, which is held on September 24th, is “Picture Books and Writing Foreign Letters.” We’ll have librarians read some picture books, and we’ll try to write our names in some foreign letters!
The 47th Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup “Ichigo Ichie” will be held on Sunday September 24th, 2023. We will still be careful about the preventing the spread of coronavirus. The theme is “Let’s Enjoy Picture Books and Try to Write Foreign Letters!”
Do you often read picture books? In the next “Ichigo Ichie”, we will work with librarians of Seika Town Library. They will read some picture books in Japanese. And we’ll ask some guests to read some picture books in English and Chinese.
Also, we’ll have some guests from different countries, so we’ d like them to teach us how to write their languages. Let’s try to write our names in different languages letters. Please come and join us!
The 47th Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup “Ichigo Ichie”
Time and Date
Sunday September 24th, 2023 10:00-11:30
100 yen per person (adults)
Free for children and the members of Seika Global Network.
The maximum number of people
The first 12 families to apply can join us.
Fureai-Hall, Kashinoki-en (map)
* It takes about 25 minutes on foot from Hosono / Shin-Hosono Station.
* You can take a bus called “Kururin-Bus” from the station to a bus stop named “Kashinoki-en.”
* You can also use a Nara-Kotsu-Bus No. 59 to “Seikadai 3-Chome”, and walk for about 11 minutes.
* You can park your car in the parking lot at Kashinoki-en for free.
Please Bring
One of your favorite picture books (if you have)
① Let’s talk about your favorite picture books in group.
② Let’s enjoy picture books with librarian.
③ Let’s enjoy picture books in English and Chinese.
④ Let’s write your names in foreign letters.
For registration
Please fill out the online application form by September 15th. (Here is the link)
① We will limit the number of people who will attend this event, so make sure to apply beforehand.
② You have to take your temperature before you come. If your temperature is over 37.5℃ or you feel sick, you can’t attend this event.
③ We might change or cancel this event depending on the situation of coronavirus.
This event has been greatly supported by Seika Town Library, we sincerely appreciate its cooperation.