
「絵本(えほん)で遊(あそ)ぼう!」12/4 いちご一会(いちえ)のテーマは「絵本(えほん)」 Let’s Enjoy Picture Books Together!

(English follows Japanese)










費用(ひよう)大人(おとな)1(ひとり) 100





場所(ばしょ)精華町役場(せいかちょうやくば) 交流(こうりゅう)ホール(2F (map)


交流(こうりゅう)ホールは役場(やくば)の正面玄関(しょうめんげんかん)がある階(かい) です。

駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)は精華町役場(せいかちょうやくば)駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう)を使(つか)ってください。 無料(むりょう)















(もう)しこみ 11/29(火かようび)までに、オンラインフォーム(リンクはこちら )から おねがいします。※もういっぱいです。しめきりました。







Let’s Enjoy Picture Books Together!
The theme of next Ichigo Ichie is “Picture Books”

The Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup “Ichigo Ichie” will be held on Sunday December 4th, 2022.  We will be very careful about the preventing the spread of coronavirus.  The theme is “Let’s enjoy picture books together!” 

Do you like to go to the library?  In the next “Ichigo Ichie”, we can enjoy picture books with some librarians of Seika Town.  They will read and introduce some picture books, and they have Kamishibai, which means storytelling using picture cards!  Also you can enjoy songs and child’s play using picture books. Please come and join us!

The 42nd Seika Global Network Multicultural Playgroup “Ichigo Ichie”

Time and Date

Sunday, December, 4th, 2022   10:00-11:15


100 yen per person (adults)

Free for children and the members of Seika Global Network.

The maximum number of people

The first 12 families to apply can join us. 


Seika Town Office, Kouryu-Hall, which is on the 2nd floor.  The main entrance of the town office is on the 2nd floor.  You can walk to the Town Office from Hosono-Station or Shin-Hosono Station, it’s only 5 minutes.  You can park your car in the parking lot of Town Office for free.


Introduction of Seika Town library, and librarians

 Let’s enjoy picture books with librarians

(1) “Karasu no Oyako” (Crow Family) - hand puppet

(2) “Bikkuri Matsubokkuri” (Surprising Pinecones)

- picture book, some experiment using pinecones

(3) “Kingyo ga Nigeta” (Goldern fish have gone)  - picture book

(4) “Minna de Pon!” - Kamishibai

(5) “Namamugi Namagome Namatamago”  - tongue twister

(6) “Urapan Okosa”  - about numbers

(7) “12 Days of Christmas” -song


Group chatting: “Do you have any hand play songs or nursery rhymes or tongue twisters in your culture??”


For registration

Please fill out the online application form by November 29th. (Here is the link)
*We already have full reservations.

For preventing the spread of infection

We will limit the number of people who will attend the meeting, so make sure to apply beforehand.

You have to take your temperature before you come.  If your temperature is over 37.5 or you feel sick,  you can’t attend the meeting.

3 years old or over have to wear mask.

We might change or cancel this event depending on the situation of coronavirus.


This event has been greatly supported by Seika Town Library, we sincerely appreciate its cooperation.